piano solo

夢蝶 Dream Butterfly for Julia  Hsu (2017)
移りゆく日々の敷居—北村周一の絵と短歌による (2017)
散らし書き Chirashi Gaki (Dispersed Calligraphy) [pdf] (2017)
吹き寄せ Drift (2016) [pdf]
夜の音楽 night music (2016) [pdf]
空撓(そらだめ)連句 (2015) [pdf]
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright  ブレイクの虎 (2015) [pdf]
ゆく道は砂の流れ ce cours de sable qui glisse ... (2014) [pdf]
水に走る影 Moving Shadows Underwater (2014) [pdf]
海からの黙示 Revelation from the Sea (2012) [pdf]
あけがたの Before dawn ―藤井貞和の短歌による11曲 (2012)[pdf]
furniture-renku 家具連句 (2011) [pdf]
Odradek (1987 rev, 2010) [pdf]
Maeander (1972 rev. 2010)- kbd. + effectors [pdf]
The Planet on the Table - with murmured poetry of Wallace Stevens(1988 rev.2009) [pdf]
                                               テーブルの上の惑星ーウォレス・ スティーヴン スの詩をつぶやき ながら
hanagatami 2 花筺二 (2008) [pdf]
nabikafi  なびかひ (2007) [pdf]
bachiana afroasiatica (2007) [pdf]
piano 2 (Shiranuhi) (2001-2006)[pdf]
kerokero kororoけ ろけろころろ(graphic)[pdf]
Piano 4 (Automat in Suginami Ward) (杉並区の自動販売機)(2002) [pdf]
           simultaneous perf. with Viola (of Dmitri Shostakovich)(2002) [pdf]
For Thomas Schultz (Piano 3) (2001) [pdf]
Piano(2000) [pdf]
Midare-midarete みだれみだれて(1997)[pdf]
Urahazu 末弭(1995) [pdf]
Finger Light 指灯明(1995)[pdf]
The Auroras of Autumn (1988)[pdf] The Auroras of Autumn deconstructed (2001)[pdf]
Leli-lili (1987) [pdf]
Lullaby (1985) 子守唄 (marimba or piano) [pdf]
Passiflora 時計草(1983-2009)[pdf]
The Pain of the Wandering Wind さまよう風の痛み(1982) [pdf]
Kwang-ju, May 1980 光州1980年5月 (1980  with visual: Prayer in Memory by Tomiyama Taeko) [pdf]
 Mulle Taryong まわれまわれ糸車 [Turn, turn the spinning wheel] (1978) [pdf]
 Chained Hands in Prayer しばられた手の祈り (1976) [pdf]
 3 Poems of Mao Tse-tung 毛沢東詞三首 (1975) [pdf]
 Metatheses 1 (1968) Edition Peters P66243
 Chromamorphe 2 (1964) Edition Peters P66237

transcription (piano)

Rozhinkes mit mandeln (2011) (piano) [pdf]
Victor Jára: Plegaria a un Laborador 耕す者への祈り (1969/1980) (piano)[pdf]
J.S. Bach: Fugue in g minor BWV. 578 (piano) (1974) [pdf]
J.S. Bach: Erbarme dich, mein Gott BWV.244  (1974)  [pdf]
Tom Jobim: A Felicidade (piano) (2008) [pdf]
Tom Jobim: Modinha (piano) (2008) [pdf]


Like a Water-Buffalo 水牛のように (1985)[pdf]
Ins Tal 谷間へ降りてゆく (1982) [pdf]


Urworte. Orphisch (1989) [pdf]