
Two kids died, and
then a whole bunch of
them, including her son,
was shot and
she did not hear until
a quarter to 11 at night.

In Nagasaki by terrorism
the mayor Ito was shot
and died in the hospital at
night, the peace-declared
city's nightmares.

32 person's faces, at CNN site, young
or aged, futurefull students
or Liviu an old professor who
protected one of the classroom's

Ross, 20, her sophomore son who
had just declared English as his
major was suddenly attacked by the
discontinuing of his dreams.

(Three 18, four 19, six 20, one 21, four 22, ......。以前に服部君のお父さんお母さんの尽力が功を奏してか、銃規制の時限立法をかちとったことがある。銃社会下で、武器を持たない大学社会が無防備であることの悲劇は、銃規制を強化することに一縷の望みをかけて再発を繰り返さないようにする。やれるのか、アメリカ合衆国は。)